The Dos and Don’ts of Tree Pruning You may think that your arborist is carrying out simple maintenance when, in reality, he or she is following the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for tree pruning. The distinction between an arborist who follows these standards and one who doesn’t is important. Hacking away trees without any attention to measurements and technique could… Read More
Options for Preserving Your Trees Near Walkways One of the main areas where conflicts exist is with trees that are near sidewalks. Swale trees, such as the live oak, need a lot of space for the trunk and root system to spread out. The more mature the tree becomes, the greater the risk of experiencing issues with roots spreading too close to… Read More
Keep Your House Safe from Wildfires The risk of wildfire is a constant threat in Colorado. Fires can be triggered by anything from lightning strikes to an untended campfire. Pine beetle proliferation, due to unusually warmer climate, has caused extensive damage to indigenous lodgepole pines. Consequently, diligent fire prevention and preparedness measures should be constant as well, throughout the year and in every area of your home. … Read More
Tips for Watering in Winter A well-kept landscape adds beauty and character to a home. You’ve invested a lot of time and TLC in cultivating the natural ambience of your surroundings into the unique environment it is. At times, however, your efforts aren’t supported by nature itself. Dry winter air, lack of precipitation and drought conditions rob your vegetation of the moisture they need to survive.… Read More
Benefits of a Professional Tree Service Having trees or shrubs on your property adds a natural appeal and creates shade during warmer days. But just like everything else, trees and shrubs need a lot of maintenance to keep up the beauty of the property. Unfortunately, if trees are not taken care of, they can cause safety hazards and potentially damage property.… Read More
Why Should I Get Fire Mitigation? Every year thousands of acres, homes, and properties suffer at the hands of wildfires. Unfortunately, we can’t stop wildfires altogether, but what we can do is help prevent it from destroying your property. By creating a fire safe landscape we are working to preserve and remove the risks around your property. Fire mitigation helps reduce… Read More
Preparing Trees for Winter Weather Colorado weather in September and October is usually dry and hot. It’s important to keep your plants hydrated before they go dormant for the winter. You can add a layer of mulch to help insulate roots while holding in moisture. During the winter, Colorado residents see freezing cold temperatures which can kill your trees if… Read More
Why You Should Never Remove A Tree Yourself Trees are beautifully enormous, but they can cause serious hazard to your home, sewer pipes, and the foundation if they start to grow uncontrollably. Trees can not only cause problems above the ground, but also underneath without you knowing. In cases where trees need to be removed to secure your house and family from property… Read More