Get a Quote Mountain Pine Beetles, native Colorado bark beetles, primarily infest trees like limber pine, lodgepole pine, and ponderosa pine. However, Mountain Pine Beetles live in more places than just those species of pines. All pines in Colorado are susceptible especially when the beetle population rises. Signs & Symptoms If the tree already has an infection, the leaves will take on a rust color and then fall off. Another indicator that the Pine Beetles have infested your trees is by a release of the pitch. If your tree has released pitch, you will see small white or reddish-brown tubes outside of the bark. The only means of pine beetle prevention and control is through preventative pine beetle spray. Front Range Arborists has all the equipment to correctly and efficiently apply these insecticides. Non-infected trees may also receive Pine Beetle Prevention. Trees that already have a beetle infestation should be removed. Get Pine Beetle Prevention Treatment in Colorado Springs, CO Serving Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Fountain, Monument, Black Forest, Manitou Springs, and other surrounding areas, Front Range Arborists specialize in pine beetle treatment and is here to help save your landscape. Give our team a call at (719) 635-7459 and start your treatment and prevention today. For a free estimate, fill out this form.