Options for Preserving Your Trees Near Walkways One of the main areas where conflicts exist is with trees that are near sidewalks. Swale trees, such as the live oak, need a lot of space for the trunk and root system to spread out. The more mature the tree becomes, the greater the risk of experiencing issues with roots spreading too close to… Read More
Tips to Protect Your Trees During the Summer Younger trees, especially, need tender loving care because they haven’t yet established strong root systems to withstand harsh weather conditions and lack of water. There are a number of serious consequences which can arise from a tree not receiving the sustenance it needs; including hungry insects moving in for the feast. These trees need human… Read More
Bug Defense Tips Welcome Spring… It’s been a dry winter! For trees, it’s not good because lack of moisture is stressful. Drought stress predisposes trees to borers and bark beetles. Right now, these secondary opportunistic insects are flying and searching out stressed trees to attack. As always, good cultural practices are the first line of defense – especially… Read More
How to Keep Your Trees Healthy To help keep your tree growing healthy, you can prune them during the winter and summer. Remove any noticeable deadwood, smaller branches, and anything that may harm the tree. This, however, can be very time consuming. By hiring a tree trimming service, like Front Range Arborists, you will ensure that your trees health is well taken care of without wasting any of your time.… Read More
When to Trim Fruit Trees Early and regular tree pruning enhances the health and appearance of your fruit trees, and the fruit they bear. When a tree is not properly trimmed, it is more susceptible to disease, and limb breakage due to storms or the strain of fruit load. The sooner in the life of your trees you begin to “train” them with routine pruning, the healthier they’ll be throughout their lifespan. … Read More
My Tree Has Dead Limbs In most cases, dead limbs occur naturally for trees over time. If you have several dead limbs throughout the tree, it can indicate that there is probably another problem, but it also may not be a cause for concern. So you now may be wondering, when would be the time to be worried about the… Read More