3 Troublesome Trees to Avoid Planting in Your Yard

A tree is a staple object in anyone’s yard. They are some of the first things people notice when driving by and (when taken care of properly) can add a significant amount of real estate value to a home. They often live for several decades and provide numerous benefits such as shade, fruit, oxygen, cleaner air, and add a touch of natural beauty to any home or neighborhood. However, not every tree is the same. Some require more care than others, and others are just a straight-up nightmare to deal with. Here are some troublesome trees you should avoid planting on your property, even if they look nice.

Mulberry Tree

Did you know that the mulberry tree is illegal to plant in some places around the country? Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, are just two cities where it’s not allowed, and it’s for a good reason too. These troublesome trees might look nice and elegant but bring around an intense amount of pollen. So much pollen that they were made illegal! Yes, they might bear useful fruit, but it often takes around ten years for that fruit to begin producing. That’s ten years of pollen-spreading that no one wants.

Mulberry trees are also a favorite food for silkworms. Silkworms can lay up to 300 eggs onto these trees at a time. Birds also like to spread the seeds of these trees wherever they go. Now, imagine all of this activity happening right in your yard! For these reasons, homeowners should stay away from planting Mulberry trees on their properties.

Eucalyptus Tree

Eucalyptus trees are famous for their extract. Their extract has been used as a natural remedy for centuries and is still widely used today. However, the extract and look of the tree might be more trouble than it’s worth. The roots of a eucalyptus tree are very shallow, and its lateral roots can grow out more than 100 feet. This means that the tree will dominate anything shallow around it! This can include plumbing (yikes!), other trees, gardens, sidewalks, etc.

In addition, but Eucalyptus trees are very thirsty trees and will soak up all the nutrients from the ground before the other plants even have a chance. If you are planning on planting a new tree in your yard, don’t choose this one. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Weeping Willow Tree

These trees are easily recognizable. They evoke scenes of unexplored fairy tale forests and give character to any space it is planted in. However, these majestic looks come with a price. Willow trees suffer when drought comes and also suffer intensely when bogged down too much with water. There’s a reason that the average lifespan for this tree is only around 30 years. After that, any slight issue with the tree could result in its demise.

These troublesome trees also rip through ground cover and other plants with their root range. Because of this, experts advise never to plant a willow near drainage ditches, sewer lines, underground electrical wiring, etc., because these trees will bust right through anything in their way. These trees also have brittle wood, which magnifies the damage of the pests it attracts. If you want a lower-maintenance tree that will be around for a while, avoid the weeping willows!

We’re Here to Help!

Sometimes, homeowners don’t get to decide the types of trees in their yards. Many people move into a new home and have to deal with the trees that are already there. If you have one of the above troublesome trees in your yard and need help to care for it, reach out to us! If you don’t want to deal with it and need it removed, we do that too! Save yourself the hassle and let us handle the issue.