Why Should I Get Fire Mitigation?

Every year thousands of acres, homes, and properties suffer at the hands of wildfires. Unfortunately, we can’t stop wildfires altogether, but what we can do is help prevent it from destroying your property. By creating a fire safe landscape we are working to preserve and remove the risks around your property. Fire mitigation helps reduce the threat of wildfire from entering and destroying your property.

If you live in the wildland-urban interface, man-made improvements usually come built close to natural terrain and flammable vegetation. If you live in this area, you are at risk and you should highly consider it for your home or business.

To assess your home properly for fire mitigation, start by taking a look at the trees and bushes around the property. One of the first things we recommend is to create a fifteen-foot barrier from all debris like leaves, dead branches, and pinecones. This will reduce the chances of flames climbing up from the base of your tree. Also, check for debris in gutters and underneath the house.

For more information and a complete checklist on fire mitigation, click here.

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