How to Fertilize your Tree
Before you get started fertilizing your trees, there is no need to remove any mulch to start fertilizing. Always be mindful not to over-fertilize by scattering it too close to the trunk or by using too much. It is necessary to fertilize throughout the entire root system. In general, the root system extends beyond the outreach of the tree’s branches. Always read the label, but expect to ration out about 1.5 – 3.0 ounces of nitrogen per 100 sq.ft. The most important thing to remember is that improper application and over-concentration can cause burned roots. Also, if there are any nearby plants, place the fertilizer underneath other ground covers as well. If you aren’t sure about what your tree needs, our team is happy to cover your landscape maintenance needs.
Why you need to Fertilize your Tree
When conducting regular lawn care maintenance, you are also taking away a lot of the natural foliage that helps trees and plants to reabsorb it for nutrition. As we rake and sweep away dead leaves, we are keeping our greenery from recycling those nutrients.
Since the grass in our backyard is unnatural, it will outcompete the trees for available nutrients and water, so regularly check your trees to make sure it is not showing signs of malnourishment. (Shorter twig growth, small or discoloured leaves, dead branches, and dark leaf veins.) Unsure? Give us a call and we will inspect your trees for you to provide an official diagnosis.
When you should Fertilize your Tree
Deciding on when you should fertilize your trees depends on the product you use. There are different types of fertilizers that deliver nutrients when applied, and others that slowly release nutrients over time. However, there are benefits to fertilizing in the Fall and Spring. If you fertilize in the fall, it helps to recover nutrients the soil lost during the Summertime and promotes root growth during the winter, unless the soil is frozen. Fertilizing in the spring can cause your tree leaves look more green and vibrant all through the summer and into the fall. It will support a new flush of growth during its growing season.
What Type of Fertilizer is Best
You can choose between organic or inorganic fertilizers to get started. What you can expect from the organic fertilizer is that they have a slower release of nutrients. They are much easier on plant roots, however, they typically take a longer time to become effective. You may have a hard time finding them on the shelves, and if you do, you will see that they are a bit more expensive than Inorganic fertilizers. Consider cottonseed meal, bone meal, manure, and chicken litter.
Inorganic Fertilizers are the cheaper option and much more frequently used. They tend to be a bit harder on your plants, so don’t overdo it. They can come in slow-release, liquid, or water-soluble for foliar application. It also comes with a very high level of nitrogen, which is the most vital nutrient needed for plants to grow. Our team is not limited to trees, we also provide turf care. So give us a call today and leave the hard work to us!