January 15, 2022 Trees are an important part of any landscape. Not only are they are beautiful, but they also provide shade, house the species that inhabit them, generate cleaner air, and increase property value. Through correct placement, watering, and fertilizing of trees, you can ensure they stay healthy for many years. However, be sure to look out for warning signs so you don’t let the health of your tree go overlooked. With the help of professional arborists, you can spot signs early on to regulate the health of your tree. Here are four signs to check for to guarantee your tree is healthy and thriving and will live a long life. Prune and Trim Dead or Broken Branches: There are many benefits of tree pruning, and pruning regularly can remove weak, dead, or diseased limbs to elongate the life and health of the tree. Pruning can be done at any time throughout the growing season, and will help the new, healthy branches to grow through and get the nutrients they need. However, if you have several dead branches at once, it may be sign of disease, and you should call a professional to come analyze the damage. Inspect the Trunk: The bark of the tree is a great way to tell how healthy the tree is internally. In fact, the bark should be strong and firm, and showing new growth. Except for a few trees (such as birch, eucalyptus, and maple trees), the bark of your tree should be solid and not peeling. Also check that there is no bacteria growing in the form of fungi or moss. The trunk can also show signs of disease, such as insect damage. Research the Signs of Disease: Speaking of disease, research the signs of disease. Chewed foliage on trees and shrubs are an indication of insect problems, and different insects leave different chewing patterns in leaves and branches. White spots on twigs, branches, and leaves are a sign of internal parasites feeding on plant fluids. Also, white spots may be the actual tiny bugs. Next, holes within the bark and trees may show that insects are eating the inside of the tree or making exit holes as they live within the trees. In other cases, borer insects lay their eggs in cracks of the bark, and the larvae tunnel their way into the tree after they hatch. This interrupts the internal vascular system and doesn’t allow water or nutrients to pass the paths, leading to death. Other Signs of an Unhealthy Tree: Wilting leaves Broken branches Holes in the trunk or limbs Abnormal leaf color, shape, or size Evidence of disease (see above) Overall, if you are vigilant in checking for warning signs of disease or lack of nutrition, poor tree health can be caught before it gets worse. If you have any concerns about the health of your tree, reach out to our certified professional arborists. We have programs and services for tree pruning, stump and tree removal, pest control, and more. to protect the health of your trees!